Jolopong House
Do you know, what is Jolopong? Jolopong is one kind of Sundanese
Traditional house. Actually, Sundanese Traditional house has a different
name depending on the shape of the roof and doors of his house.
Traditionally there is a roof called suhunan Jolopong, Tagong Dog, Rhino
Heuay, Boat Kemureb, Jubleg Nangkub, Capit Scissors, and Open Pongpok.
Of all of them, Jolopong is the simplest form and are often found in
areas of cultural heritage or in the villages. Jolopong roof has two
fields separated by suhunan lane in the middle of the house. Suhunan
rods of equal length and parallel to both the underside of the roof that
was next to one, and while others are shorter than suhunan and cut
perpendicular suhunan at either end of it.
The interior is also very efficient Jolopong owned. Jolopong space consist of a front porch or Tepas; room called the center or middle imah patengahan; called pangkeng side rooms, and the back room consists of a kitchen and a store called Pawon rice called padaringan.
The room called overhang serves to receive guests. First, the room is
left empty with no tools or home furnishings such as tables, chairs, or
bale-bale seating. If guests arrive then the owner of the house stage
mat for seating guests. Over time, has now been provided tables and
chairs and even other equipment. Balandongan space serves to add
coolness to the occupants of the house. For the bedroom, use Pangkeng.
The room is kind pangkeng prostitute or warehouse used to store goods or
household appliances. The room being used as a gathering place for the
family and is often used to perform ceremonies or salvation and a back
room is used for cooking.
Judging in terms of philosophical, traditional houses belonging to
the community of West Java have a very amazing. In general, the name of
the Sundanese traditional house suhunan intended to respect the
surrounding nature. Almost every building custom homes are rare Sunda
iron nails and other tools of modern buildings. For inter-pole amplifier
used paseuk (from bamboo) or a rope of palm fiber or coconut
fiber, while the roof of the house used as the cover of palm fiber, palm
leaves, or leaves Rumia, as Sundanese traditional house very
rarely use precarious. Another interesting thing is the material used by
the house itself. Use of a thin material and booth stage floor of
wooden planks or Palupuh certainly not be used for shelter in
community with barbaric civilization. Home for the Sundanese community
not as a fortress of protection of human enemies, but merely from nature
in the form of rain, wind, sun and animals.
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